Friday, January 23, 2009

Class Chalet

Hey ppl!

4G class chalet rockkss! It was held at Costa Sands Resorts,Sentosa from Monday to wednesday. Kudos to Eugene who sponsored many stuff for e chalet.Also to Sam hu haf done a lot in ensuring the success of the chalet!

1st day:

Me,Jag,Sam,Eugene and Clayton met at PP to buy miscellaneous stuff for e chalet since food had been catered by Eugene. Miscellaneous stuff ain't very cheap, costs abt 120++.

Then we had lunch at Banquet. Later we travelled by a cab to Sam's hse where Sam's father sent us to the chalet at sentosa. Kudos to Sam's father!

Then picked up every1 at Vivo and took monorail to Sentosa. We set up e fire at e pit then we had the BBQ. Eat3, then throw Marcus into e pool.HAHA. Later most went swimming at the swimming pool in the resort.

Later that nite when evry1 was chillaxing at the chalet, me,yongxi,gabriel,charmaine,meryl,wenxun were at the pit Talking abt poly and Jc stuff then talk abt many2 things ah,While i was cleaning up the area and BBQ-ing some Otahs for em.

2nd day:

We went to the animal encounters, eat at Koufu.Then we saw Sarah, zhen's ex. wanted to borrow ball from her but end up the guyz played captains ball wif Sarah and co.
Then, we went to play Volleyball coz Adzizul bought a ball for us.THX. Followed by burying ppl in e sand.hahs.

During e chalet oso i heard a lot of Bukkake Udon-Astroninja frm Zhen's Ipod.LOL. e song not bad actually.

Here are some pics!

A great tyme indeed.


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